Sunday, July 12, 2009

Aren't your dreams supposed to be about you?

Anyways so I have this dream, and it was weird in that I was not in it. I didn't even recognize anyone that was in this one, It was like I was watching the dream on TV.

There's these 2 women, in their 20's or so, a blonde and a brunette and it's implied that they are in a relationship together, yet they still wind up laying together on a bed with a man, in a hotel room drinking and talking. The blonde winds up falling asleep, and the brunette and the guy somehow make their way to taking a shower together, and there they have sex. Like in most dreams we come to one of those vague periods, but I think the guy said they would have to tell the blonde what happened, they argue, they fight and she grabs something hitting him over the head and he dies.

Then we cut to morning, the blonde is waking up, and she feels around for the brunette and is shocked to not find her, she spots the guy sitting in a chair and a trail of blood, she screams at the guy "what did you do to her" and throws the phone at him, it cracks his skull. Just then the brunette comes out of the bathroom, and the blonde tearfully admits to her that she killed him, and the brunette has to tell her that "No, I did"

Then I woke up, twisted twisted.